1. Overview of the project

Project title

The dissemination plan has been established for the project entitled POP-UP: “Sport for empowerment and for hoping-up your personal and professional pathway” (acronym: POP UP project).

2. Objectives

POP-UP, Sport for empowerment and for hoping-up your personal and professional pathway aims to enable the training and integration pathways of low-skilled adults, particularly women, to develop and integrate innovative training activities based on physical activity and sport, with a view to health and well-being, and with a pedagogical perspective of emancipation and development of skills useful in employment. The activities developed support the accessibility and inclusion of the public and will open up opportunities at both personal and professional levels. At European level, physical inactivity rates are too high, especially for vulnerable groups. Sport has a systematic place in schools, and has virtuous benefits for academic success, but there are few sporting activities for the low-skilled in training and integration schemes, who are far removed from sport. The project will develop research activities, anchored in field practices, pedagogical and methodological tools for sports and training professionals, and inclusive and adapted sports and training activities for adults in difficulty. Three products will be produced: an Action-Research on the mechanism and levers for bringing sport closer to disadvantaged groups, tools to enhance transversal skills useful for employability, and a practical guide with “sport sheets” for professionals. They will involve 100 professionals and 300 participants, 1/3 of whom will be women (100).

The objective of the POP-UP project is to support the development of physical and sporting activities for people supported in training or socio-professional integration schemes, in order to “reveal” positive effects on their pathways, both professional and personal, and to support the dynamics of emancipation and success for individuals. 

Specifically, it aims at developing tools, activities and methodologies that will help develop the practice of sport and support the acquisition of socio-professional skills through sport, among vulnerable, low-skilled groups enrolled in training or socio-professional integration programs.

The main goals and objectives of the project

  • set up innovative and inclusive physical activities accessible to all, enabling us to reduce the barriers that prevent people from taking part in sport, to encourage participation by people who are far removed from sport, and to promote social inclusion, the fight against discrimination and inequality, particularly in terms of gender, and the health of beneficiaries.
  • set up innovative and inclusive physical activities accessible to all, enabling us to reduce the barriers that prevent people from taking part in sport, to encourage participation by people who are far removed from sport, and to promote social inclusion, the fight against discrimination and inequality, particularly in terms of gender, and the health of beneficiaries.
Valorization of skills
  • make the acquisition and valorization of skills acquired through these activities more tangible and formal, to support the success of people’s personal and professional careers and promote their socio-professional integration.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication only reflects the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication only reflects the views of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.